lundi 24 janvier 2011

Electron-Hole Theory

Electron-Hole Theory
(1) As electrons travel from one atom to another, they fill theholes in some atoms and leave holes in other atoms. Basically, two things areoccurring: electrons are moving in one direction and holes are moving in theopposite direction.

(2) In A, figure 23, an electron leaves atom "A", making it apositively charged atom. An electron from atom "E" breaks away and fills thefirst hole leaving the second atom with a hole.
(3) In B, figure 23, the hole has moved from atom "A" to atom"E". An electron leaving atom "B" will fill the hole in atom "E".
(4) In C, figure 23, an electron from atom "C" will fill the holein atom "B", neutralizing that atom and leaving a hole in atom "C".
(5) D and E, figure 23, show additional hole and electronmovement between atom "C" and atom "H".
(6) Notice that the movement of holes is opposite to the directionof the movement of the electrons. The crystal material is still electricallyneutral, and there is one free electron at one end of the crystal and one holeat the other end (F, figure 23).
. Under certain conditions, then, electrons maybreak away from their orbits. The loss of an electron in the outer ring of anatom leaves a hole in the ring and makes them positively charged. This positiveatom may now attract an electron from another atom. When an electron fromanother atom fills the hole of the positively charged atom, we can say that thefirst atom is now neutral and the second atom is now a positively charged atom.e. Impurities.(1) General. It is possible for atoms of elements, other thangermanium and silicon, to join the crystal structure. These elements are addedintentionally during the processing of germanium or silicon and are referred toas impurities.
(2) Donor and acceptor impurities. Two groups of elements can beadded to the crystal structure of either germanium or silicon. The elements inone group are called donors; in the second group they are called acceptors.
(a) A donor element or atom is classified as such because ithas five valence electrons. Common donor elements are arsenic, phosphorous, andantimony (A, figure 24). When a donor atom is compared with a germanium orsilicon atom, an additional valence electron is found (A and B, figure 24).
(b) An acceptor element contains only three valenceelectrons. Aluminum, boron, gallium and indium are types of acceptor atoms (C,figure 24). When the acceptor atom is compared with either germanium orsilicon, one less valence atom is found. This missing atom is then referred toas a hole (B and C, figure 24).

 type Semiconductor Materials use Donor Impurities.(1) Figure 25 shows a semiconductor crystal in which one of thesemiconductor atoms has been replaced by a donor atom. The donor impuritycontains five valence electrons. Note that four of the valence electrons form acovalent bond with electrons of four of its neighbors. The electrons of thesemiconductor atoms and donor atoms that enter into the covalent bonds form verystable structures and are not readily displaced.
(2) The fifth valence electron of the donor atom cannot form acovalent bond and the nucleus of the donor atom has a very weak influence overthis excess electron. The excess electron, therefore, is mobile and is called afree electron. At normal room temperature, enough thermal or heat energy ispresent to cause this excess electron to break away from the donor and driftthrough the crystal structure. The result is that for each donor atom, weobtain what may be considered one free electron.
(3) Germanium or silicon material containing donor impurities isreferred to as Ntype material. The letter N refers to the negative charge ofthe excess or free electrons. Impurities are added to Ntype semiconductormaterial in the proportion of one atom to several million semiconductor(germanium, silicon) atoms.

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