mardi 1 février 2011

DC Load Line and Operating point selection

Consisder a CE amplifier along with the output characteristics as shown in figure 3.18 above. A straight line drawn on the output characteristic of a transistor which gives the various zero signal values (ie. When no signal applied) of VCE and IC is called DC load line.

Construction of DC load line

Applying KVL to the collector circuit we get,

VCC –ICRC –VCE =0-------------------1

VCE  = VCC –ICRC ----------------------2

The above equation is the first degree equation and can be represented by a straight line. This straight line is DC load line.

To draw the load line we require two end points which can be found as follows.

1.      If IC =0, equn 2 becomes VCE  = VCC
2.      if VCE = 0, equn 2 becomes VCC = ICRC   ie. IC = VCC /RC

3.14 Operating point (Q)

A point on the d.c. load line which represent the zero signal values of VCE and IC in a transistor is called as operating point or silent point or quiescent point or Q-point.

The Q-point is selected where the DC load line intersects the curve of output characteristics for particular value of zero signal current.
          i.e. Q-point = (VCE ,IC)

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